To make your link text accessible make sure it is:
- Descriptive:
- Users should be able to tell the purpose or destination of the link by the link text alone
- Use the link destination as the link text, e.g., University of Guelph Library
- Concise
- Unique
- Avoid duplication of link text, especially for links heading to different destinations
- Visually distinctive
- Links should be formatted to stand out from normal text to ensure they are easy to identify
There are three different link options for Word documents:
- Existing File or Web Page
- Place in This Document
- Allows you to link to a heading or a bookmark
- E-mail Address
How to add a link:
- Highlight link text
- Right-click and select Link (or Hyperlink on Mac)
- Choose Link to destination
Adding links to documents that are intended to be printed:
- Create a descriptive hyperlink like you would in any document
- Put the unlinked URL in parentheses after the descriptive hyperlink