The library offers a range of helpful services. All of our appointments are free of charge and confidential.
If you have already created a WeVideo account, you can login from WeVideo's main page or create a free account from WeVideo's main page.
Make sure that you are using WeVideo in Google Chrome (best) or Firefox (fair). WeVideo is not as compatible with Safari, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer.
After getting access to WeVideo and creating an account, click on Classic to start a new video project.
Note: The Classroom option is a new feature and we are in the process of investigating it.
NOTE: As a first step to learning WeVideo, editing a template may be a little overwhelming. We recommend starting with a blank project.
There are three main sections of the WeVideo editing page: The media pool, the timeline, and the viewing window.
NOTE: Free accounts do not provide access to the media library. You will need to upload your own media to use in WeVideo.
To edit text:
Transitions are used between clips and images to provide a smoother and more interesting look to your video.
You can add additional audio or video tracks.
There are a lot of audio options within WeVideo.
If your image has a width and a height that is different from your screen size, you may want to resize your image so that there are no black bars showing. This can make your video look more polished and professional.
You can undo an action by clicking "Undo" in the editing banner or Command/CTRL+Z on your keyboard.
Collaborative Projects is a WeVideo feature that allows multiple editors to work together on a single video project. When someone from your group is editing the project, the Collaborative Projects feature ensures that the project will automatically lock to prevent other group members from making changes to the project at the same time.
Note: If you do not see the collaborate feature when you go to do this, please contact the Media Studio directly so we can make sure you're part of a group.
A shared project means that members of the project can create their own videos, but cannot view or work on videos of another creator. If you are the person who created the project, you would be able to see everyone's projects, but everyone else would only be able to see their own.
You can start sharing a project with someone at any point during your creation process.
Screen Recording enables you to record a video of your entire computer screen or a single desktop window. Any actions that you take on the screen (scrolling, clicking, etc) are recorded. Once you finish recording you can save the recording as a video, and use it within WeVideo.
Please note that Screen Recording is only available on premium accounts. The library has an educational license and a limited number of accounts are available for students, faculty and staff each semester. Please contact the library for more information.
Please also note that Google Chrome is required. Please ensure that you are using version 70 or above.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.