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The data editor provides a spreadsheet-like data editor window for creating and editing data files. It automatically opens when you start a session. Within the data editor window, there are two views: Data View and Variable View.
The “Data View” tab displays the actual data.
To switch between Data View and Variable View, click on the tab at the bottom left.
The “Variable View” tab displays additional information about the data, including the type of data in each column, labels for each column (i.e., a description for the user), measure type for each column, et cetera. To switch between Data View and Variable View, click on the tab at the bottom left.
You can enter data directly into the data editor window in the data view tab. You can enter data in any order.
In addition to files saved in SPSS format, you can open a spreadsheet (Excel), Database (Access, dBASE), tab‐delimited file, and other types of ASCII text files without converting the files to an intermediate format.
The “Compute Variable” option is in the “Transform” tab, and computes values based on numeric transformations of other variables. For example, Compute Variable can be used to:
The “Split file” option is in the “Data” tab. This allows you to temporarily split your data into different groups based on one or more grouping variables. By default, the file is not split; if you split the file, statistics that you run will be grouped by whichever grouping variable you use unless you return to the default (i.e., not splitting the file).
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