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Analyze Data: SPSS

Contributors: Lindsay Plater and Narjes Mosavari

What is SPSS?

  • IBM’s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is a point-and-click statistical software used to generate descriptive and inferential statistics. It also has the capability to be code / command-driven using the syntax editor.
  • IBM SPSS Statistics documentation provides information on SPSS functions, including: a description of each test, the format the data should be in to properly run the test, the assumptions that need to be considered, and step-by-step instructions for how to compute the test. This is one of the best places to go when looking to run a specific test.

Where can I access SPSS?

  • SPSS is available on the library public computers for use by University of Guelph students, staff, and faculty during library hours.
  • SPSS is free to download for University of Guelph students, staff, and faculty through the CCS Software Catalog. You must be logged in to access this resource.
  • If you need help installing SPSS on your computer you can either drop by the IT Help Desk located on the first floor of the library or contact CCS Help Services.

Video: Accessing SPSS for U of G Students, Faculty, and Staff

Get Started with SPSS

The IBM SPSS Statistics documentation referenced earlier is a great place to start when you are looking for help on how to do certain tasks in SPSS. This guide contains step-by-step help (and screenshots) for a few common SPSS tasks, including:

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