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Create a Whiteboard Animation Video

What is a whiteboard animation video?

Whiteboard animation videos are a video style that shows static images being drawn on the screen.  Typically the drawings are accompanied by a voiceover that explains what’s happening within the drawing.  This type of video can be extremely engaging for the audience, and can be used for many purposes, including (but not limited to):

  • Explaining a concept
  • Telling a story
  • Marketing a product or service

Examples of whiteboard animation videos

Link to Video: How to Create a Concept MapVideo: How to Create a Matrix ChartVideo: 5 Ways to Study with a Matrix Chart

What are the steps to create a whiteboard video?

1.  Create a script and storyboard for your video.

  • Creating a script and storyboard for your video will ensure your video flows and the visuals complement the narrative.
  • You may find that your script and storyboard naturally form a number of scenes.  Scenes are sequences of continuous action.  Numbering each scene will be helpful when filming and editing your video.

2. Get feedback on your script and storyboard.

  • Try getting feedback from classmates, peers or colleagues
  • It's best to do this before you start producing your video so that you go into production with a polished final script and storyboard.

3. Record and edit the audio for your video.

  • Try using Audacity.

4. Practice the drawings for your video, or make reusable props for your video.

  • Practice your drawings before you film to ensure you're able to draw a consistent design.
  • If your drawings are too difficult or are inconsistent, consider making them into a prop to slide into the video instead.

5. Film your video

  • See section below on supplies and set-up.
  • Don't try to film the entire video in one shot, or "tale."  Rather, film each scene separately in different takes.

6. Edit your video

7. Publish and post publically (optional).

Resources to help plan your video

Link to Guide: Create a Script for Your Digital ProjectLink to Guide: Find audio and images for remixing

What supplies do I need to film and edit my whiteboard video?

A large whiteboard

  • We recommend using a whiteboard that is not attached to anything so that you are able to lay it flat on a desk or table.  This helps to make sure your body doesn't appear in the shot when you create your drawings.

A small whiteboard

  • We recommend having an additional, small whiteboard to document each scene and take of your video.  This will help you to organize the footage in the editing phase.
  • Before you film each take, write the scene and take number on the small whiteboard.  Place the whiteboard in the shot (on top of the large whiteboard) as you begin to film.  Then remove the small whiteboard and film the rest of the take.  Keep track of each take by writing down notes about each one.

High-quality camera

  • Try using a Canon Rebel, for example.


  • We recommend using a tripod to stabilize the camera when filming your whiteboard video.

Lights (optional)

  • We recommend using a two-point lighting set-up, with one light on either side of the table and whiteboard.

Multi-coloured whiteboard markers

  • We recommend having at least 3+ colours to make your video dynamic and engaging.

Masking tape

  • We recommend using pieces of masking tape to mark the parameters of the whiteboard that appear within the frame of the camera.
  • Throughout the filming process, your camera may get bumped, or you may need to set up your shot again on a different day.  Marking the parameters will ensure consistency in your shots.


  • We recommend creating pre-drawn items for your video.
  • It can be helpful to pre-draw complex or hard-to-draw images.


  • We recommend using a professional microphone in a soundproof room to record the voice-over for your video.  This will ensure you get a professional-quality recording.

Audio editing program/software

  • You can use whatever audio editing software/program you prefer.
  • We recommend Audacity, a free, open-source, web-based audio editing software.  Audacity is compatible with both Mac and PC products.

Video editing program/software

  • You can use whatever video editing software/program you prefer.  However, you'll want to choose a program that allows you to speed up the pace of the drawing, change the colouring of the video, and make other minor edits.

  • Mac computers include a free program called iMovie where you can easily edit your whiteboard video.
  • You might also try:
    • Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
    • WeVideo

How do I edit my whiteboard video in iMovie?

  1. Import into iMovie:
    1. Whiteboard drawing footage,
    2. Edited audio recording, and
    3. Any music or sound effects you're wanting to use for your video 
  2. Organize your footage in order by dragging each scene to the iMove timeline.
  3. Delete background noise
    1. For each scene of your video on the timeline, right click and select 'detach audio' > 'audio below' > press delete.
    2. Edit each scene individually.
      1. Brighten your footage - try for more blue than yellow using the colour balance tool + 'auto'
      2. Trim your footage - try some scenes with the hand coming in and out, and others without.
      3. Add transitions between clips.
      4. Speed up your footage to match the audio speed. 
  4. Add white screen if/where necessary
  5. Insert a title and ending/credits slide at the beginning and end of your video to create a professional and polished look.
  6. Add in music and additional sound effects throughout the video to create additional interest within your video.

Resources to help with creating your video

Link to Guide: Edit Video: iMovieGuide: Learn Video and Filming BasicsLink to Guide: Edit Video WeVideo

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