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Getting Started with Omni

How do I search an exact book or article title?

Use the main search box and enter the exact title in quotation marks.

If this doesn't retrieve the item, Select "Advanced Search", then input all of the information in the appropriate fields. You may also change "contains" to "is exact" to further narrow your search. If you know the resource type, select the appropriate type from the drop-down menu.

E.g. Title (is exact): "Gone with the wind", Resource Type: Books & eBooks

How do I search within a journal?

Choose "Journal Search" in top navigation banner, enter the journal title, or browse by subject area on the left side menu.

How do I search for works on a specific author?

Choose "Browse" in the top navigation banner and enter the author name, last name first.

How do I find physical items in the library?

Perform your search and limit to "U of G Print & Physical Items."  This limits results to physical items at U of G.

How do I export to a citation manager?

Pin items of interest. Locate these items in "My Favourites", select those you want to export, then click the three dots and select your citation manager.

How do I create a permanent link in my course readings?

Search the item in Omni. Either click the three dots in the right hand side of a record and select "Permalink" or open the record and select "Permalink" under the "Send to" menu item. Copy the URL.

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