The library offers a range of helpful services. All of our appointments are free of charge and confidential.
The University of Guelph Research Data Repositories is an institutional repository for research datasets created by University of Guelph (U of G) researchers, ensuring long-term stewardship and access to these datasets.
The Data Repositories are hosted in Borealis, a Canadian Dataverse Repository which uses the Dataverse repository platform software. Borealis is a secure, multidisciplinary Canadian research data repository made up of a network of library and research institution collections.
The Data Repositories are composed of two main collections:
Each main collection is organized into college-level collections, and these are subdivided into department or school-level collections. Depositors choose the main collection that best matches their dataset and Data Repositories staff will grant them dataset creator access to their home department or school collection within that main collection.
U of G-affiliated centres, institutes, or research programs that expect to deposit multiple datasets (more than five total datasets) may request a dedicated sub-collection within the Data Repositories.
The library retains administrative control over all collections within the Data Repositories and all datasets submitted to any collection will be reviewed by Data Repositories staff prior to public release. During the review process, also referred to as the dataset curation, Data Repositories staff (curators) are responsible for reviewing and enhancing submitted datasets in support of long-term access and reuse. Refer to “Curating submitted datasets” for more information about dataset curation.
The Data Repositories accepts submissions of research datasets created at or in collaboration with the U of G. The Data Repositories are freely available to all U of G researchers including faculty, staff, students (graduate and undergraduate), and research collaborators to deposit and share their research datasets.
Anyone with a U of G central login account can create a Data Repositories account and deposit datasets; you can securely log in using your U of G username and password.
For information on creating your Data Repositories account and setting up your dataset creator access, please see “How do I deposit my research data?”.
To deposit a dataset in the Data Repositories you must be either the creator of the dataset, a researcher collaborating with the creator(s), or an individual authorized by the creator to deposit on their behalf.
If you are depositing a dataset on behalf of your co-authors, you must first obtain permission from the other authors before submitting the dataset.
Please refer to Preparing datasets for deposit for additional resources to help you prepare and deposit your datasets, including the Dataset Deposit Guidelines, Readme Template, and Dataset Submission Guide.
The library offers a self-deposit with curation service. The deposit workflow is as follows:
The Data Repositories are governed by the library’s Digital Repositories Policy which outlines the roles and responsibilities of the U of G library as the service provider and you, as a user and depositor. Additionally, as a participating member of Borealis, the Data Repositories service adheres with Borealis’ Terms of Use.
Please see University of Guelph Research Data Repositories data curation guides, templates, and workflows for administrative documentation including:
The Data Repositories are available for depositing, browsing, and accessing content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. User support is available during normal business hours.
For inquires, including technical support, please make a Publishing and Author Support Request.
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