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Atrium Institutional Repository

Why should I link ORCID to my Atrium account?

Harmonizing your Atrium account with your ORCID account will allow you to both update your ORCID profile with the content that you have deposited in the Atrium and will allow you to connect to ORCID when submitting to the Atrium, limiting the number of forms you must fill out.

How do I log in to the Atrium and view my ORCID information?

  1. Go to the Atrium home page.
  2. Click on the ‘Log In’ button at the top right of the page.
  3. Enter your U of G central id and password.
  4. Click on the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Profile from the drop-down menu.
  5. In the Researcher Profile box, you should see that the Status is Public. Click on ‘View’, which is right below the status. If the status is not public, please contact us through the publishing appointment form.
  6. You are now taken to your Atrium researcher profile. Click on the ORCID logo on the top right corner to open the ORCID settings page.

How do I send content from the Atrium to ORCID?

  1. Follow the steps to log in to the Atrium and view your ORCID information.
  2. In the ORCID Synchronization settings section, choose your preferred synchronization mode.
    1. If you choose manual, you must send your data to ORCID by manually selecting all the items you want to send. To do this, scroll down the page to the ORCID Registry section, click the plus button in the action column to send the work to ORCID.
    2. If you choose batch, the system will send your data to ORCID via a scheduled script, which is currently set up to run on the first of every month.
  3. Under Publication preferences, choosing All Publications does not seem to impact the queue. Under Profile preferences, you will need to select biographical data and identifiers for your publications to be put in the queue. This appears to be a bug and has been reported.
    1. To remove a publication from the queue, scroll down the page to the ORCID Registry Queue and click the icon that looks like a broken link in the action column.
  4. At this point the Atrium does not use the projects that are listed under Funding preferences, so you can leave that selection as disabled.
  5. When you are happy with your choices, click the ‘Update settings’ button.

How do I disconnect my Atrium and ORCID accounts?

  1. Follow the steps to log in to the Atrium and view your ORCID information.
  2. Click the ‘Disconnect from ORCID’ button.

How do I import metadata from ORCID for a new submission?

  1. Go to the Atrium home page.
  2. Click on the ‘Log In’ button at the top right of the page.
  3. Enter your U of G central id and password.
  4. Click on the profile icon at the top right of the page and select Submissions from the drop-down menu.
  5. At the top of the page click on the ‘Import metadata from external source’ button, which looks like a right-pointing arrow in front of a piece of paper. Select Publication.
  6. In the dropdown menu of sources, choose ORCID. Paste your ORCID iD into the search bar and click ‘Search’.
  7. Click on the ‘Import remote publication’ button, which looks like a downward arrow on a cloud. Click ‘Start submission’.
  8. Choose the collection and follow the guidance in the Submitting items to the Atrium guide to fill out the fields in the submission form that were missing from the ORCID import.
  9. You will still need to drag and drop the item file onto the ‘Drag & Drop your files here or browse’ bar, or click ‘browse’. A reminder that in most cases you cannot deposit the published copy, but instead should deposit a pre-print or post-print. If you are unsure of what version of your research you can deposit, please make an appointment with us.

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