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Atrium Institutional Repository

What should I review before submitting my item to the Atrium?

Note: If you are submitting a thesis or dissertation, please refer to the Theses & Dissertations Submission Guide instead.

There are two possible methods for submitting your items to the Atrium:

  1. If you are submitting an article that already has a digital object identifier (DOI), you can use Share Your Paper to quickly and easily deposit your work in the Atrium.
  2. For items that do not have a digital object identifier (DOI), please use the Atrium’s online submission form.

To use the Atrium, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grant the University of Guelph the non-exclusive right to make available, reproduce, translate, and distribute your submission worldwide in any format or medium. Please review the Digital Repositories Policy or make a Publishing and Author Support Request for more information.

All users with a University of Guelph email account have immediate deposit access to the Atrium. 

If you would like to connect your ORCID profile to your Atrium account to assist in importing item metadata from ORCID into the Atrium’s online submission form, please see Linking ORCID to your Atrium Account instruction guide.

Before beginning your submission, please:

How do I use the online submission form?

  1. Go to the Atrium home page.
  2. There is no need to create an account, simply log in to the Atrium by clicking on the ‘Log In’ button at the top right of the page and enter your U of G username and password. Once logged in using your U of G central ID, you will have immediate deposit access to all collections in the Atrium and can begin your deposit.
  3. Click on the profile icon at the top right of the page and select ‘Submissions’ from the drop-down menu.
  4. To start a new submission, on the Your Submissions page, drag and drop the item file onto the ‘Drag & Drop your files here or browse’ bar, or click ‘browse’.
  5. In the New submission window, choose the collection you would like to submit your item to from the drop-down list. Depositors may choose from the ‘Research - Research content” (e.g., original creative work of the scholarly community such as books/book chapters, conference presentations/proceedings, journal articles, major papers, preprints, research reports, systematic review protocols) or “Other - Other content” (e.g., original creative work that is not research) collections. If you are uncertain which collection, you should deposit your work to, please make a Publishing and Author Support Request. Please note, if you are depositing your thesis or dissertation, follow the submission instructions in the Thesis & Dissertation Submission Guide.
  6. In the Edit Submission page, you must enter descriptive information about your item. On this page, you also have the option to assign a Creative Commons license to your work. Use the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page to save your work as you go. Use the ‘Save for later’ button if you need to come back to your work later. If you wish to delete the draft submission, click on the Discard button.
  7. Describe: Complete all mandatory fields (*) and any other fields that are applicable to your submission.
    • Authors*: An author is the person, organization, or service responsible for creating or contributing to the content of the item. Click the 'Add more' button after entering each author's name. If the author is an organization, use the ‘last name’ input box for the organization name.
    • Title*: Enter the full name by which this item should be known and cited.
    • Other Titles: Use this to indicate any alternative titles for the item, such as a translated title.
    • Date of Issue: If your item was previously published, such as a journal article or a book, enter the date of official publication. If you do not know the day or month, fill out the year only. If the Atrium will be the first distributor of this item, enter the date you are submitting the item to the Atrium.
    • Publisher: If your item was previously published, such as a journal article or a book, enter the full name of the publisher.
    • Citation: If your item was previously published, such as in a journal or book, enter the full citation information in your preferred citation style. Where available, include the digital object identifier.
    • Journal: If your item was previously published in a journal, enter the full title of the journal.
    • Series/Report No.: If the item is part of a series, you can enter the series name and the series number for your item.
    • Embargo lift date: Enter the embargo expiry date (Year, Month, Day). This is the day on which the file(s) will be available for public viewing.
    • Identifiers: Where available, enter the number or code that identifies this item in other systems, such as DOI (articles), ISSN (journals), ISBN (books).
    • Type: Select an option from the drop-down list that best matches the resource type of your item.
    • Language: Select the language of the content of your item.
    • Department / Unit: Select the university department or unit that the author(s) are affiliated with from the drop-down list. Click the ‘Add more’ button to add additional departments / units.
    • Subject keywords: Enter three to five keywords. Provide appropriate keywords for your work. Choose keywords that broadly represent what your publication is about, for example "pesticides" rather than a brand name. Capitalize terms only when necessary. To provide multiple keywords, click on the ‘Add more’ button.
    • Abstract*: Enter a brief description of the item. If you have a textual submission that includes an abstract, you can cut and ‘paste text only’ the abstract here.
    • Sponsors: If your item is a product of funded research, select the funder's name from the drop-down list. To select additional funders, click on the ‘Add more’ button to create a new selection field. Please note that this list is not an exhaustive list and only includes the most common funding agencies.
  8. Upload files: If you have already dragged and dropped your file(s), the uploaded file(s) will be visible in this section of the form. Note that you can drag and drop file(s) anywhere on the page if you would like to add additional file(s) to the item record. After a file has been uploaded to the submission form, you can describe the file by adding metadata such as a file description.
  9. Creative Commons license: In the Atrium you may choose to reserve all rights, assign a Creative Commons license, or waive all rights to your work. For information about copyright please consult the Copyright at the University of Guelph guide. You can also consult the Creative Commons License Chooser or book a Publishing and Author Support Request to learn more.
    1. If you wish to reserve all rights, in the ‘Select a license type’ drop-down menu, select 'No CC License’. You can then move to the next step in the submission form.
    2. If you wish to assign a license to your work, in the ‘Select a license type’ drop-down menu, select ‘Creative Commons’.
      1. By selecting ‘Creative Commons’, you automatically indicate that users must provide attribution (citation/credit) if they use your work. To set additional conditions on use, select a response to the two prompts: Allow commercial uses of your work? Allow modifications of your work? The jurisdiction of your license is set by default (and cannot be changed) to International.
      2. Once you have made your selections, the link to the license deed you selected will be displayed.
      3. Check the box beside ‘I grant the license above’.
    3. If you wish to waive all copyright to the extent possible under law, in the ‘Select a license type’ drop-down menu, select ‘CC0’ (I.e., Public Domain Dedication - No rights reserved). This also means is that you will no longer hold copyright, and therefore are unable to assign copyright or license rights to a publisher for any future publication of the work.
      1. Once you have made your selections, the link to the waiver deed you selected will be displayed.
      2. Check the box beside ‘I grant the license above’.
  10. Distribution license. Your agreement to this non-exclusive license is required before your item can appear in the Atrium. By agreeing to this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grant the University of Guelph the non-exclusive right to make available, reproduce, translate, and distribute your submission worldwide in any format or medium. After reviewing the Digital Repositories Policy, check the box beside 'I have read and agreed to the full terms outlined in the Digital Repositories Policy.’
  11. To complete your submission, click on the ‘Deposit’ button to submit your item for review.

How are items submitted using the online submission form reviewed?

All items submitted using the Atrium's online submission form will be reviewed by Atrium staff for alignment with the guidelines outlined in the Atrium's Are there any deposit requirements? guide before they are accepted into the Atrium and are publicly visible.

If any corrections to your submission are required, you will receive an email notification that your submission has been rejected with an explanation of required changes. You can update your submission and resubmit for review.

When your item submitted using the online submission for has been accepted into the Atrium, you will receive an email notification with a persistent URL (a handle) for your item, that you can use to cite and share your work.

Share Your Paper tool

If you would like to deposit an open access copy of your published journal article(s), consider using the Share Your Paper (SYP) tool to quickly and simply submit a copy of your article(s). Using the SYP tool, you will be asked to enter the digital object identifier (DOI) for your article and then the tool will indicate which version of your article to upload (i.e., the version allowed by the publisher to be shared in an institutional repository such as the preprint, accepted manuscript, or publisher’s copyedited version). Using the SYP tool, there is no need to enter description information (metadata) for your article or to complete the Atrium’s online submission form; the tool will do this all for you.

Please note that articles submitted via the SYP tool will not appear immediately in the Atrium but will be added on a monthly basis. Additionally, articles deposited using the SYP tool will be deposited both in the Atrium and in the U of G Atrium community in the open access repository, Zenodo.

How do I correct or withdraw an item?

Once an item has been made public in the Atrium, corrections and withdrawals are subject to the Digital Repositories Policy (VIII. Corrections or Withdrawals of Submissions). If you need to make changes to the item, please make a Publishing and Author Support Request.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.