The library offers a range of helpful services. All of our appointments are free of charge and confidential.
Note: If you are submitting a thesis or dissertation, please refer to the Theses & Dissertations Submission Guide instead.
There are two possible methods for submitting your items to the Atrium:
To use the Atrium, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grant the University of Guelph the non-exclusive right to make available, reproduce, translate, and distribute your submission worldwide in any format or medium. Please review the Digital Repositories Policy or make a Publishing and Author Support Request for more information.
All users with a University of Guelph email account have immediate deposit access to the Atrium.
If you would like to connect your ORCID profile to your Atrium account to assist in importing item metadata from ORCID into the Atrium’s online submission form, please see Linking ORCID to your Atrium Account instruction guide.
Before beginning your submission, please:
All items submitted using the Atrium's online submission form will be reviewed by Atrium staff for alignment with the guidelines outlined in the Atrium's Are there any deposit requirements? guide before they are accepted into the Atrium and are publicly visible.
If any corrections to your submission are required, you will receive an email notification that your submission has been rejected with an explanation of required changes. You can update your submission and resubmit for review.
When your item submitted using the online submission for has been accepted into the Atrium, you will receive an email notification with a persistent URL (a handle) for your item, that you can use to cite and share your work.
If you would like to deposit an open access copy of your published journal article(s), consider using the Share Your Paper (SYP) tool to quickly and simply submit a copy of your article(s). Using the SYP tool, you will be asked to enter the digital object identifier (DOI) for your article and then the tool will indicate which version of your article to upload (i.e., the version allowed by the publisher to be shared in an institutional repository such as the preprint, accepted manuscript, or publisher’s copyedited version). Using the SYP tool, there is no need to enter description information (metadata) for your article or to complete the Atrium’s online submission form; the tool will do this all for you.
Please note that articles submitted via the SYP tool will not appear immediately in the Atrium but will be added on a monthly basis. Additionally, articles deposited using the SYP tool will be deposited both in the Atrium and in the U of G Atrium community in the open access repository, Zenodo.
Once an item has been made public in the Atrium, corrections and withdrawals are subject to the Digital Repositories Policy (VIII. Corrections or Withdrawals of Submissions). If you need to make changes to the item, please make a Publishing and Author Support Request.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.