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Control Procrastination

What are some quick and easy things I can do to stop procrastinating?

  • See below for some quick, temporary solutions to reducing procrastination.
  • Some solutions may or may not work for you -- try several out and adapt them to help you in your particular circumstances.

How can I reduce procrastinating caused by my phone or laptop?

  • Use an app to block or limit the time you spend on specific websites. There are many available apps; search Google for "procrastination blockers."
  • If you spend a lot of time texting, set aside specific times each day to check and respond to texts. Tell your friends and family to expect delays in your responses. 
  • Turn off all notifications on your phone and laptop.
  • Create a "sticky note" that opens every time you turn on your laptop to remind you to study.
  • Set a timer to remind you when it's time to get back to work.

How can I reduce procrastinating caused by online or in-person socializing?

  • Set a timer to limit how long you spend texting or talking to friends during study breaks.
  • Get a "Do Not Disturb" sign for your door and ask your family members or housemates to respect it.
  • Talk to friends and family about your struggles with procrastination and get their support to help you limit the time spent socializing.
  • Identify friends or study partners whose study habits and schedules can help you reduce procrastination. Set up regular study times (online or in-person) with your study partner. Being accountable to another person is one of the most effective ways to reduce procrastination.

How can I reduce procrastinating caused by cooking, eating, or doing housework?

  • Post a list of your study goals for the day on your fridge or microwave.
  • Post your tuition receipt on the fridge.
  • Post a note telling yourself to get back to work NOW.
  • Use the timer on your phone to limit the length of breaks or meals.
  • Put signs and notes to yourself about studying on your vaccuum cleaner, the dishwasher, or wherever they will be noticeable.
  • Schedule housework for a time when you wouldn't normally be studying.

What if none of these strategies work?

  • Sit at your desk and do absolutely nothing. Don't talk, read, or straighten things – just sit still and do nothing until you find the motivation to begin working on the task.
  • By making your procrastination obvious, you'll be much more likely to get down to work than if you camouflage it by doing something else, particularly something else that feels productive.

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