In general, a précis should be one-third (or less) the length of the original.
The parts of a précis will depend on the original text. Here are some steps to follow:
In the beginning of the twenty-first century, more unrelated people are living together under the same roof. These people may be joined together for love. They may be joined for convenience. Or, they may be joined out of necessity. Whatever the reason, choosing a roommate is one of the most important decisions you will make. If two people are united for love, then choosing a roommate is a very personal decision. If two or more people are going to live together for convenience, or out of necessity, then choosing roommates is an important decision. This decision must be well thought out because choosing the wrong roommate could cost you financially, physically, and mentally. Choosing a roommate is difficult, but the process you use in choosing a roommate is as important as the roommate you choose, because the process you choose will lead to your roommate, and your new roommate will have a significant effect on your life.
More unrelated people are living together out of love, convenience, or necessity. When choosing a roommate for convenience or necessity, the process is must be well thought out because the person you choose will have a significant effect on your life.
(Adapted from Buckley, 2013, p. 162).
Buckley, J. (2013). Fit to print. 8th ed. Toronto: Nelson.
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