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Getting Started with Omni

How do I see my fines and fees?

If you ever have fines or fees to pay, you’ll get an email notification from Omni. You can also check yourself anytime by: 

  1. Sign in to Omni.
  2. Any fines or fees applied to your account will display under Fine + fees on the My Library Account page.
  3. Anytime you are signed into Omni, you can click your name in the top right to expand the menu and click the My Library Account link to review your fines and fees.

How do I pay my fines and fees?

You can pay your fines and fees in one of two ways:

  1. By calling or visiting the Ask Us desk and paying using a credit or debit card.
    1. Note: Debit payments are only available in person.
  2. By paying online with a credit card through Omni.

Paying online with a credit card through Omni

You can pay online by:

  1. Sign into Omni.
  2. Any fines or fees applied to your account will display under Fine + fees on the My Library Account page.
  3. Click the Pay fine link in the Fine + fees box.

Fines and fees can be quickly accessed through My Library Account under the Overview tab.

  1. Follow the prompts to complete your payment through the online payment system.

Please note:

  • You can only pay with credit cards online. If you'd like to pay with debit, you can do so in person at the Ask Us Desk.
  • You can only pay the full balance of your fees online. If you'd like to make a partial payment, contact the Ask Us Desk.
  • Please make sure that the billing address you provide matches the billing address for your credit card.
  • After completing your payment, it can take 1-2 minutes for your balance in Omni to be updated.

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