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ACCT - Accounting
AGBU - Agricultural Business
AGR - Agriculture
ANSC - Animal Science
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARTH - Art History
ASCI - Arts and Sciences
AVC - Art History and Visual Culture
BINF - Bioinformatics
BIOC - Biochemistry
BIOL - Biology
BIOM - Biomedical Science
BIOP - Biophysics
BIOT - Biotechnology
BOT - Botany
BUS - Business
CCJP - Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy
CDE - Capacity Development & Extension
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIS - Computing & Information Science
CLAS - Classical Studies
CLIN - Clinical Studies
CROP - Crop Science
CRWR - Creative Writing
ECON - Economics
EDRD - Environmental Design & Rural Development
ENGG - Engineering
ENGL - English
ENVB - Environmental Biology
ENVM - Environmental Management
ENVS - Environmental Sciences
EQN - Equine
EURO - European Studies
FARE - Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics
FINA - Fine Art
FOOD - Food Science
FRAN - Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
FREN - French Studies
FRHD - Family Relations and Human Development
FSQA - Food Safety and Quality Assurance
GEOG - Geography
GERM - German
GREK - Greek
HHNS - Human Health & Nutritional Sciences
HISP - Hispanic Studies
HIST - History
HK - Human Kinetics
HORT - Horticulture
HROB - Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour
HTM - Hospitality & Tourism Management
HUMN - Humanities
IBIO - Integrative Biology
IDEV - International Development Studies
IPS - Interdisciplinary Math and Physics
ISS - Interdisciplinary Social Science
ITAL - Italian
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LARC - Landscape Architecture
LAT - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
LING - Linguistics
LTS - Literary Studies/Theatre Studies
MATH - Mathematics
MBG - Molecular Biology & Genetics
MCB - Molecular and Cellular Biology
MCS - Marketing & Consumer Studies
MGMT - Management
MICR - Microbiology
MUSC - Music
NANO - Nanoscience
NEUR - Neuroscience
NUTR - Nutrition
OAGR - Organic Agriculture
PABI - Pathobiology
PATH - Pathology
PBIO - Plant Biology
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLNT - Plant Agriculture
POLS - Political Science
POPM - Population Medicine
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
REAL - Real Estate & Housing
RPD - Rural Planning and Development
RST - Rural Studies
SART - Studio Art
SOAN - Sociology and Anthropology
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
STAT - Statistics
THST - Theatre Studies
TOX - Toxicology
TRMH - Tourism and Hospitality
VETM - Veterinary Medicine
WMST - Women's Studies
ZOO - Zoology
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