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Math Without a Calculator

Step 1: Identify what calculations you will need to perform.

Identify the types of basic calculations you are required to perform without a calculator.

  • For example, you may need to know how to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals.

Step 2: Identify what you don't know how to do.

Identify the types of calculations that you don’t quite remember how to do, or think you need some brushing up on.

Do not be ashamed of forgetting these basic math calculations, it has likely been a while since you needed to perform these calculations without your calculator!

Step 3: Learn the calculations you don't remember.

Learn the types of calculations you don’t remember how to do using online resources or searching the Internet to find quick review pages.

Here are some that may be helpful to you.  Multiplication of large numbers and decimals & long division:

   Exponents, logarithms, trigonometry and more:

Step 4: Practice calculations without your calculator.

Practice performing these calculations, without relying on your calculator. However, don’t be afraid to check your answers with your calculator until you become confident in your skills. Remember, being able to comfortably and quickly perform these calculations may be essential skills for quizzes and exams where calculators are not permitted.

Resources to help with studying

Guide: Master Time ManagementGuide: Study EffectivelyGuide: Succeed at Exams

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