McLaughlin Library

Research Databases

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7 Databases Found for:Standards

Alternate Name(s):ASTM Standards, ASTM
More than 12,000 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Standards and Research Reports covering a wide range of industries and materials.
Alternate Name(s):PEG, CPA Handbook, CPACHB
Canadian accounting standards guide for performing assurance and compilation engagements. Includes learning support materials.
  • Alumni Access
  • Open Access

Full-text access to OIE international standards, conference proceedings, journal publications and reports about animal health issues from around the world.

Journals, conference proceedings and standards produced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Focus on electronics and computer science.
A collection of publications from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Includes technical papers, peer-reviewed articles, standards, a membership magazine, textbooks, and reference books.

Provides access to the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada handbooks (Accounting, Assurance, and Public Sector Accounting), along with FAQs, definitions, and how-to videos.

Alternate Name(s):USP-NF, FCC, PF Online

Complimentary access is available to all users with an active or email address, and users must register for an account. There is no subscription key and it should not be authenticated.

The USP-NF is a combination of two compendia, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF). This online reference resource contains standards for medicines, dosage forms, drug substances, excipients, biologics, compounded preparations, medical devices, dietary supplements, and other therapeutics.
